Business Performance cockpit

Analysis shouldn't be a one-time exercise. Setting up clean and almost real time KPI reports in tools like PowerBI provide grip on the organisations, enable faster adjustments and better stakeholder communication. We do the first data gathering & cleaning before building the reports. The visualizations are improved based on client feedback to truly embed them in the daily operations.

Business Intelligence Agent

What if you could ask questions about your business data in a chat interface and get instant answers without having to ask an analyst or search yourself? It has become reality, and we can help you deliver this. We integrate our AI agent with LLM’s and BI databases in your IT environment. We continuously improve the performance by understanding your specific data structure. Our goal is to reduce the time to find answers from days/weeks to seconds.

Predictive business modelling

Looking at your current performance with dashboard and an AI agent is al ready saving a lot of time, but you also want to look forward. We can implement machine learning modes to realize more acurate forecast to further optimize operations. With these advanced models a vast amount of variable can be taken into account to for instance deliver better sales forecasts which in turn improve purchasing and production.

Let's discuss your ambitions